Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Types of yoga

Types of yoga
There are seven main types of yoga. Although each type of yoga helps unite your mind, body and spirit, each has a slightly different focus.

Hatha Yoga
We focuses on Hatha Yoga, which is the yoga of physical discipline. Hatha Yoga is the most commonly practiced type of yoga in the western world. The goal of Hatha Yoga is to achieve union of the mind, body and spirit through physical actions. Hatha Yoga promotes taking care of your body to be healthy.The word “Hatha” is derived from two Sanskrit words –– ”ha” meaning ”sun” and ”tha” meaning”moon.” The practice of Hatha Yoga finds a balance between your sun and moon traits and balances the opposites within you –– from the right and left sides of your brain to the masculine and feminine sides of your personality.The benefits of practicing Hatha Yoga may be felt immediately. Your body may become more relaxed and your mind may become clearer after just one practice. Some other benefits may occur with regular practice of Hatha Yoga, such as increased strength and proper posture.

Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion and selfless love. Bhakti is derived from the Sanskrit word”bhaj,” which means “to serve.” Practicing Bhakti Yoga involves devotion to a divine being, usually through practices such as singing, dancing, chanting and praying. Individuals who practice Bhakti Yoga also express this devotion and love in everyday life.

Karma Yoga
The main principle behind Karma Yoga is performing selfless service, without expecting to gain anything from the service. The service should be performed with honesty and integrity. An example of Karma Yoga is volunteering in your community to help others who are less fortunate. Tantra YogaTantra Yoga uses breath and movement to awaken the spiritual energy in your body.Two popular forms of Tantra Yoga are KundaliniYoga and Kriya Yoga.

Jnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga is the yoga of wisdom. In Sanskrit, the word ”Jnana” means “knowledge,” “insight,” or “wisdom.” One of the main principles of Jnana Yoga is to learn the distinction between what is real and unreal. Jnana Yoga also encourages humans to think of themselves as spiritual beings, who can reach enlightenment through willpower, study and reason.

Tantra Yoga
Tantra Yoga uses breath and movement to awaken the spiritual energy in your body.Two popular forms of Tantra Yoga are KundaliniYoga and Kriya Yoga.

Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga, ”raja” meaning ”royal,” is a classical type of yoga, in which meditation teaches your mind to serve your spirit.The foundation of Raja Yoga is based on eight limbs.
These limbs include:
1.Yama (Moral and Ethical Discipline)
4.Pranayama(Breath Control)
5.Pratyahara(Sensory Inhibition)

Mantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga uses sound to heal your body and center and focus your mind. A mantra is a meditation technique in which you repeat a word aloud or silently in your mind. The ost traditional mantra used is the word ”om.”

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